Audio Post-Production

The Audio Editing and Sound Mixing process is essential for film and media creation. Audio Post Production ensures the required polish for a professional product. Quality standards in sound will secure the audience’s attention from the beginning.

audio post production sunshine coast
audio mixing sunshine coast
sound for film sunshine coast

Audio is processed using the LYNC HILO (One of the best Analog/Digital converters on the market), NEVE PORTICO pre-amps and compressors and INDUSTRY STANDARD SOFTWARE from the leading developers for film and music. The sound of your film is being shaped by the best tools for the job.

Get rid of unwanted artifacts, tone down intrusive wind, background noise, speech inconsistencies and unwanted reverb with AUDIO RESTORATION. Place FOCUS back on the dialogue and action. 

audio restoration sunshine coast
protools sound mixer sunshine coast

The DIALOGUE EDIT makes sure the speech is consistent and clear. Editing different shots can lead to background noise or ‘ROOM TONE’ being inconsistent and jarring. Fluid cross-fading and volume control will create a seamless flow of sound.

The DIALOGUE EDIT makes sure the speech is consistent and clear. Editing different shots can also lead to background noise or ‘ROOM TONE’ being inconsistent and jarring. Fluid cross-fading and volume control will create a seamless flow of sound

protools sound mixer sunshine coast

After the SOUND DESIGN and MUSIC have been added, the AUDIO MIX glues all the elements into a smooth cinematic experience.

audio mixer sunshine coast

STREAMING, SOCIAL MEDIA, CINEMA or TV platforms all have their own standards of loudness and compliance for audio delivery. OPTIMIZE your audio to the BROADCAST levels of each particular service so your content can remain competitive without sacrificing quality.

audio post production sunshine coast